It changed direction as days seem to do.
Instead of finishing up a shooting thing, I sharpen some chisels.
Hopefully starting on the base for an antique Korean window tomorrow. They want the window to become one of those low tables in front of the couch and in front of the TV. A coffee table I guess.
The metal slurry that comes off the chisel and waterstone make patterns. Heaven and Earth, mist, edges of cliffs, rolling hills, streams, lakes, mountain but soft at the same time.
I've been doing a couple series of photographs of the stones and the metal filings over the years. Today I photographed the stones that happened from 5 chisels from 7/16" to 1". I skipped the 7/8 for some reason. 5 photos of the stones for 5 chisels.
You can see some from a few years ago here. Same stone but looking a bit different now from the wear.