Thursday, August 4, 2022

Putting the house in order

Early morning light.  0625 hour.

I start to construct the kitchen light unit.  I kept some basic tenets from the first time I did this and really found it beneficial to build it a second time.  Take what you learned from the first and apply to the second.  It's a good exercise.

Hang the mounting board from two SkyHi Combos.  On dollys.

Start to figure out what goes and where it goes.

Put up other elements on C-Stands which allow positioning for composition purposes.

Wire stuff together.

Ok, this is strange but it appears I didn't take one install photo.  Must have had my reason for that.

But here's one right afterward.

Also been cleaning the place up, getting it ready for the future whatever that might become.

Shelves cleaned and polished, Cast iron arranged.

Light always Comes from Within


Put in a living room light at the same time.

Overall the light is fairly dark so I'm going to need something more.....must think.

The Growth


Or maybe Wisdom.

Or maybe It's the Arc.

I know for sure though, it is something.  Maybe it's Age.

I am liking how the four new lights hang together. 

Or maybe it's Change.               A most precious Ken Kalman piece.   See more here

And one more.  Right after being picked from the Courtyard Garden and right before cooking.

Ok, I give up with Word Press and adding a photo as an afterthought.  This should go up higher in the post but....whatever.  This one is being difficult.