Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Last Supper

We lost one on the trip.
Almost lost another.

Harley is gone.  He's not coming back.
Lucy almost did but she's coming back for a bit more.

This time it was all according to the plan.  The oldest and frailest of us go first.
And when the oldest and frailest go, the ratchet clicks and tightens another notch up.
Waiting for the next generation.

For the past while, I've been going in solo.  Solo in Death Valley, solo in the Sierra.
Solo is good.  There's soul in solo.

A year ago Taylor says Dad, let's backpack together.

There's a place in the Sierra, it's out of most peoples eyesight, a tiny glacier scraped U shaped valley right next to a much larger glacier scraped U shaped valley.
Want a part of my ashes floated over the tiny valley.  So I took Taylor there so she knows where it is.

This particular hike starts out with a hot long hump up an old mining jeep road, and just to do something different we got a ride up on some horses.  Only til we got to top of that first shoulder. Then we put on the packs.
The big valley.  The next valley to the left will be dusted with me.....sometime if the plan plays out correctly.

Shadows moves like a trout moves through a pool.

Taylor waiting for me just below Royce Lakes.

Looking on both sides of Italy Pass.

That tiny dark spot in the middle of the top photo is where I want to show Taylor.

I stumbled a couple times on the trip.  Taylor saw both, picked me up both times.

At the top of the small valley where the water comes from that feeds all below.

We're heading home now.  Hopefully I'll get there first.
I think Sierra snags may be the most beautiful things of all.  The only way to know this is to see them.
Big snags can't be photographed, at least I haven't been able to yet.  Get in close to show the infinite amount of small beauty and the majestic strength can't be felt.  Move far enough back to feel the strength, makes it feel weak.  You have to be in the presence of a snag to get it.
The color alone is enough to make the hike worth it.

Harley stopped eating, stopped drinking. I'm guessing he said to himself, let's make this happen on our own.  Tired of this life.

Lucy was different.  She wanted to stay some more.

And The Last Supper.  Sitting here making dinner, eating, drinking, talking....lots of talking.
I love you Taylor.