Saturday, January 25, 2020

Detritus Explorations

Sunrise and that translucent ephemeral coastal fog
First field trip to the next wood project site.

Then my official quote.  Sent as a photo with a request to be sealed over a shot.
I've always said, the cut-offs, the throwaways, the bastards, the unwanteds are often more interesting than the primary object.

Running the numbers came up with this one belt edge sanding 644 feet.

Squares and circles come back together.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

A Misdirection

These pics of the new firelight light are not what I'm here to talk about.

And neither are these process photos.
But I'll go through what you're looking at here.
These are from the second go-round of turning square pieces of plywood and aluminum into round pieces.  If you're so inclined, this is a more detailed look at the first round here.

It's all training.
I did 15 years maybe doing Aikido and there was this idea continually talked about during that time of spending time off the mat as Aikido training.  As in how you go through life is Aikido training.  Sweeping the dojo mat after practice is not the mere act of cleaning but an act with thought and intention.  Paying attention to the movements of your arms with the broom, how the broom gathers the dust, the swish of the broom across the mat.

The aluminum squares needed to be roughed up for the cement to work better so each square I did with purpose and intent.  Each different. It was training,  I wasn't trying to get them done just to get them done but done to roughen my mind at the same time so my cement works better.

Training to strike the center with one act.
Two apple boxes on a wheels with a lazy Susan made a rolling turntable.  Put the cement on in one turn and meet where I began.

Purposefully directed the center to be something.  Each different and unique.

The two shall become one.

Saw the negative space and let a loaf of bread cool there out of the oven

But none of this is what I'm here for today.

Tony in mid shake stops to welcome officially the two newest into the Circlehood.
Welcome Frank on classical guitar
Along with Ken with his mello cello
And that's what this is all about.  Good to have you two.