Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Project Stages

This won't take too long.

Thought I would amble around West Oakland looking for discrete groupings of Palms.
West Oakland isn't too big and there are not that many discrete groups so this project is already wrapping up.

Four and Six.

Like I mentioned in the entry below this, the deal for the lobby of a new building was to be sealed over a shot.  Ok, sure, it happened to be 9 in the morning but I also had just pulled some cornbread out of the oven.  Turned out to be a fabulous breakfast with Ken, sitting on the sidewalk side apple boxes.

This project is at the beginning of collecting of parts and materials right now.

This project, I've fulfilled my part, I'm done.  I've past it over to Ken.
And this took a couple days to make but won't be finished I'm thinking for maybe 6-7 years.