Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Fractal Chaos

 Visually the feeling of the installation

It's really no different than drinking in a crowded bar.  I'm real good at that.  Sitting at the bar, drinking my drink as madness surrounds me.  Being a certain type, the crazier the night, the more serene I become.  Buddha in the still center of a swirling vortex.

The install started a couple days ago.  Maybe a total of five hours of actual work, five hours of waiting for other trades to do their thing, move their ladders, their compressors, their tools, their bodies.  But before any of that happens, three trucks with pallets and pallets of Ken's Kustom Kreations arrive in the alley.

We rapidly put this up.

Tammie, the construction elevator pithy saying operator takes us up to see some finished units.

Her elevator is covered with duct tape and sharpie stuff.

Some floors require us to put on socks on our boots to keep the new carpets clean.  Tammie just sheds her boots to point the way.

Day two.  

The end piece is added to the bar counter.

And one of six booths is assembled and bolted down.

Bonus pic!

I add skilsaw blade on top of the cymball.  Real nice "tink, tink" sound comes off of it.


Saturday, September 26, 2020

It's Moving Day!!!

 Might as well start out with the bonus pics first.

I try and polish the copper on the liquor cabinet every two weeks or so in order for it to become a glittering eye magnet when it's open.

And me! on Moving Day.

Ok, enough with the eye candy!  Let's get to work.  Picking everything up, putting in/on two trucks and heading over the bridge to SF.

The elliptical counter is taken apart.

Getting it in the trucks.

Ken spins his own spiderweb.

So this is the front door of a quite large new apartment building where we're reassembling the lobby.  Seems oddly tiny to me.

One section of the 25' counter top.

And the angle that said counter top is bolted to.

Installation begins in two days.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Quintessential California

 Spent this morning gripping and gaffing for a muy tiny production of political ads for the right side.   By right I meant the correct side, the side on the correct side of history.

Up a ways in Northern California, with a former United States Presidential candidate speaking his mind into the camera.  He's on his great grandfather's land from the 1870's.  He and his father were governors of California multiple times.

That's him sitting, waiting for us to set up.  Earlier, as we rolled into the property, a family of Elk walked the ridgeline here, the bull Elk with a magnificent rack, the sun behind them.  Pure beauty.

I've been living in California for 41 years and the quintessential California landscape of golden hills with trees sparsed never gets old.  Even better when the hills just keep rolling and folding.  Did the best I could given the no trespassing signs preventing a more studied composition.

Edit.  I talked of the golden hills but only showed black and white.