Tuesday, December 29, 2020

In This Season of White Christmases 2020

 December 29, the christian year of 2020.

130 years ago.

I'm linking to something I wrote 5 years ago on this date.

In This Season of White Christmases

Monday, December 7, 2020

Back to One Offs

 It was just happenstance that I had a time slot scheduled to visit Sensei Shively for a project of mine.  And you know I don't make the trip out very often so on the night before the drive up there I get a phone call it's as if the two things are connected.


It's from Jeff.  A Central Cali winery is redoing their tasting experience room in Paso Robles and would I like to give him a price on a signature table for the room.

It's big.  And heavy. Four feet wide, three- three and half inches thick.  This long.

I've known Jeff now for at least 15 years so it's natural I talk on more spiritual terms with him rather than monetary ones.  How I see this more as one of those pieces that define a life chapter, that this is something that turns me on.

It's a one off.  No multiples. A two-three month beautiful curse/love/hate-a-thon that changes me.  The money is not as important as the lessons I'll learn.

So I showed up at Shively's place almost forgetting about why I was going to be there originally.

Not sure where this log came from in California.  Redwood, 49" at it's narrowest, 20' long.  4" thick.   Clear as can be.

Showing you this piece of Redwood is way premature as I don't know nothing really about the table or whether I'll be the one to build it.  But there's piece after piece like this up there.  And species after species.

I did like this wood for the original project/intent for going up to Aborica and I know where this log came from.  Olema, California.  About 22 miles from the sawmill.  Spalted Fiddleback Maple.  4 book matched boards from the same tree.

Bonus pic.  A persimmon from Annie's cousin's tree in Berkeley.