Entire sections in libraries are devoted to the manifesto that things, objects, material goods won't bring happiness. Now what happiness is I won't touch, let's leave that concept to people who like to hear themselves talk.
I believe things bring happiness. I believe that there's a soul or some type of life in all things, objects, material goods and beings and plants and all those other living classifications that the book people write about. Connect to that soul in that thing or object and blammo, happiness happens.
The dykes in the opening photo I bought in the early 70's. In Missoula, Montana. For some reason, I think they may have been forged in Italy. The steel in it is excellent. I may have only sharpened the cutting edges once.
This thing has been with me for 50 years, the handles have softened, edges smoothed, polished by my skin. We have become a part of each other. When I hold them, I am the steel, and I become it's hands.
A year ago I lost them. Looked everywhere for months, just couldn't fathom what happened to them but at some point said, "I gotta have some end cutters" and I bought a pair of German made Knipex. Started to become attached them when yesterday, I was putting something away on a top shelf and there it was. It came back.
I was so happy, picked them up and sat down and held them, opened and closed, felt the weight.
They are now back in the coffee can I kept them in along with other similar tools.
Joyful noise!
Onto the next subject. Wood Engraving.
I get it, I've shown enough of this recently so I will tamp it down after this entry until something happens with the process that needs to be shown.
The tools in their holder thing.
Source image, block and print.
Opened a new tin of ink. The wax paper that slows down oxidation comes off.
Beginning to roll out the ink.
No source image here. Came from a having a couple beers at Ghost Town Brewery down the street.
Time to clean up the ink from the glass plate
Sketch and Block.
I guess that's it.
Life = Happiness. (Except for all of those that Life = Despair)