Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Notes to Me

I leave notes to me a lot.  Mostly in Sharpie. There are some I've been rereading for decades.  Some I bury never expecting to see again.
This was the kitchen table I built for my first studio back in 1988 which I've been using until the move into the new West Oakland studio. Two layers of 3/4" shop Maple ply covered in a grey Formica. It didn't fit in here but I knew I would find a use for it so I buried it.

Got a job that needed it so I pulled it back out and peeled off the Formica, it was delaminating at this point anyway.  "Bad Edge."  With an arrow!

Apparently, this edge was bad.  I'm assuming it was good at one point but then, who knows what, maybe got mixed up with the wrong crowd?  I dunno, but I do know it's bad now.

This is a note I left for me in the top of the location box I made for a monitor.  One job I forgot to bring multiple sync cords. I had one, but I didn't bring more than one and that is a no no.  One can break at any time and then you're screwed.  Back everything up with multiples.
That photo by the way is of a birthday of mine.  There are two malcontents with balloon sticks in their mouths..One of them is me, the vertically striped one.  The other is Peter Young.  Man, did Peter and I get into trouble as kids.  One of the most famous incidents involved us going into a neighbor's garage, opening some cans of paint and pouring them on the brand new Cadillac that was in the garage.

So the 1988 studio kitchen table top was used as an incline plane for some people to be standing/sitting on.
Illustrating a magazine story.  Enlisted the art director and client for some super early "polaroids".  Not the finished shot by any stretch of the word.

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