Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Everybody Drink Beer

Day after the disaster.  Nov 9, 2016.

Finally got around to some beauty shots of bottles and glasses of beer.  Testing showed the labels wouldn't hold up to spritzing...even with a large percentage of it being glycerin.  They bubbled up too quickly so I taped off and layered on several fine fine coats of dead flat protection (Thank you once again Alan*.)
I've always wanted to price my work by charging by the C-Stand.  Never have but over the years I've noticed I would count up the number of C-Stands I used and multiply by $200 and it would be pretty close to my final bill.
The more C-Stands, the more finicky and precise the shot....the more money.
Still setting up, I'm shooting this tomorrow but as it stands now, there are 8 stands being used.  10 if you count the two I used to hold more flags before deciding better without the flags.

And you can see in the background the next job (although it's a freebee)
Ben Dombey's fun tilted hand blown cocktail glasses.
Ben's site
*  Someday I'll do a blog on Alan Krosnick.  I was his full time assistant for five years, taught me more than one can even imagine.

Now let's drink to the end of the world...

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