Sunday, April 15, 2018

This One's for You, Nick

Vigo, España

I'm sure there was a there, there but just couldn't seem to find it.  Looked like a hard working port city, hills to climb with great views, visit-able islands (except in winter) off the coast.  Should have had a there.  Never saw the there, there though.
Sort of appears like San Francisco, Cali doesn't it?

Peered into a window and said out loud, "This one's for you, Nick."  And took the photo.

Went across the street to eat some lunch.
Impressive the worker in orange had a bottle of wine with his food and went back to work.

Anyway, this post is really just a way to link to the photos to the left and right of Vigo.  Three parts because there's quite a few photos, there's a link at the bottom of each part that takes you to the next.
Iberia del Norte

Nick, you're in part two

Monday, April 9, 2018

Death and Life outside the Door. subtitled We Adopt!

This is not the only shooting that's taken place outside the door but it's the only one that's remembered each year.  This one was before our time, the others we could hear the pop pop pop and watch as the OPD roll up with the lit up cars and camera people taking photos of spent shells on the street.

Each year at this time a few people come by and set up a RIP for Thomas.  They drink some drink and stand around for awhile.  Unfortunately I have no idea who Thomas was or why this happened.

The bullet holes in the wall behind.

Joaquin says it was a 45.  We have a new garage door but apparently the old one had holes in it as well.
Looking at the bullet holed wall (with a new colorful live in neighbor).

The rain did a beat down on the balloons.

But to get back to the adoption....decided the nearest triangle needed some loving so we went through no process whatsoever to adopt it and clean it up.  After the initial pick up of the crap and broken glass.
Long distance view of digging and planting.

 Oh look!  A new baby triangle!

To complete the view of the corners outside the door here, a couple of  life affirming memes.

For those who want to see more photos of West Oakland, go here

An addendum May 12....another killing outside the door.  A car horn stuck to the on position, open the front door to see what's up.  Car totally in flames complete with explosions.  Body inside.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

1060 pounds/square foot

And I'm hoping for 1768 pounds per square foot if I can get it.

A hole in the hide.
For Jon H's bag I thought I would try sucking down the wet leather around the mold rather than using two molds with mechanical clamps applying the force.  By sucking I mean using a vacuum bag to create the force pulling the leather around corners and the ribs.

The mold, the bag, the pattern, the leather.  By the way, Sharpies run when the alcohol based shellac is applied to seal the mold.

Testing it with strips of scrap first.  Wanted to see what it looked like if I use an additional form during the vacuum.
Decided to forgo the additional forms and just use the bag.

I have a very small compressor and using the handy chart online it looks like I'm putting a little over 1000 pounds of pressure per square foot.

At that pressure it does it give a real softness to the bends and folds.  I'm kinda liking it and will design for that.
The inside and outside of the dried leather.

But.....have a reconditioned pump coming that will pull 25-26" of mercury that should put close to 1800 pounds on it.  I know, I just said I liked the look of the soft pull, but I have to see what the additional pressure does.
Might be better, might be worse.  More than likely it will just be a different look.

And cutting the pattern for the second part of the bag, the flap portion.  I think it may come out looking like a Great Horned Owl.