Had a little family gathering last night up at Nephew Will's crystal garden place in the Berkeley hills and was saying to Taylor I was going to take her piece to a certain point but would have to set it aside for another project.
She said, "So, it's going to be another 7 years?" Had a good laugh at that one.
The carcass will be mitered but the miters will be truncated pretty heavily so for strength I inlayed some finger joints. These are just sitting there before glue.
Thin spacers (.045") on the drawers so I can mark the proper distance of the runners on the carcass side.
The drawers in cross communion while the carcass is glued.
Drawers roughly fitted. And the metaphor for the piece starts to take some physical presence. Explanation to follow when it's completed.
And this is where it will sit until I finish up something else.
Bonus pic!
Last jam night with the random horizon shadows down the side