Monday, February 4, 2019

Two Period Pieces

I guess the horizon is calling me.  Or least starting to whisper in my ear.  Most things I start I will eventually finish although there is a chair I started to build when I lived in Coldstream, British Columbia circa 1976 that is dead in the water.  That will never get done.

These two period pieces circa 2007 and 2014 though are up and running.

Praise the Lord!

The circa 2007 is the two year photo project which was finally delivered and hung.  Got to spend time with Taylor and Nick as well so that was enough to justify everything.

Trying to make sense of something I hadn't looked at for a few years

Couple from when I was making the frame.

The photos were numbered as far as date of shooting.  This is number one.  I was very high in the Sierra Nevada Mountains on a solo trip.

Circa 2014 I don't remember how it started.  Probably just from wanting more knowledge.
I purchased the hardware which also came with a set of plans for a saw used by French Marqueters since the 18th century.  The Chevalet de Marqueterie.
The knowledge came to me from Patrick Edwards.  Start your journey here.

Built a couple pieces of the saw and it started to gather dust from there.  Put into deep storage but I thought up a project to start on that would require me to finish the chevalet.

The plans as well as the box they and the hardware arrived in.

So you sit on it, put what you're cutting in the jaws and step on the foot pedal to hold it place and pull and push the saw back and forth to cut.
The whole object really just functions as an elaborate way to hold a saw.

Working to plans is super weird for me.  It becomes an exercise in doing something without needing to figure out why you're doing it this particular way.
I added leather to the seat
The saw has two adjustment points that allow it to cut square to jaws that are holding the work in place.

And the saw is held to rod by these wedges.  I made it tight enough so the carriage bolts really don't need to be tightened, that's why they're just sitting there.

Now let's see what comes out it.

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