Wednesday, April 8, 2020

#8 / Holding Together [Union]

As I was processing these photos I was thinking how I was moving forward during this world wide sitting still moment in time.
I picked up my I Ching to read up on those two movements and opened up the book to #8 Pi/Holding Together [Union].  That's how the Wilhelm/Baines translation translates it.

It speaks to the hexagram as a requirement "that we unite with others, in order that all may complement and aid one another through holding together."

Well, how appropriate is that?  It does go on to speak of a need of a strong central figure with greatness of spirit and strength that others could rally around....well, how inappropriately appropriate is that?
Barring the strong wise leader appearing then relationships must be formed around inner laws of common experiences...
Need I say how appropriate is that?

But to get back to what was going through the mind as I was working on the photos.  Though we may be all sitting still, I think we're still moving forward.  Like a leaf on a stream that really doesn't move much, the water carries it, when it hits a rock, it just moves around it.

Shot the first go round of shellac on the pieces for the wine job.

Set those aside to harden so I could do the first sanding on them.  Worked on the stuff for the apartment building lobby.
Running some 60 linear feet through the drum sander.

At this very moment while waiting for the end of the day to approach so I can put the first coat of finish on them.

Bonus pic.

Took the longest time for me to figure out what this was after downloading it from the camera.  And I was the one that photo-ed it.
Figured out though, they're seeds in a container with plastic wrap over them to get them started.

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