Saturday, May 9, 2020


Bézier Curves

Seems they're all around at the moment.
The new climbing rose needed some more lash points than the straight lines I put up earlier.  I thought I could metaphorically introduce nature by adding some organic twisty things by doing it this way.
Glued up these curves using the centuries old hide glue and rubbing of the joint method to build up the shape.  No clamps.  Freedom I tell you.
And last night for the first time in two month, we got together to get twisty as we curved our way through freeform jam.  That's Jules' head behind the bottle of Ouzo by the way.  Don't want him to get lost in the clutter of photo.
Yes, more than 6' apart.
Ouzo you say?  Yes Ouzo.

Bonus Bézier reference.
The left over tapers from the ellipse project.  That large round object in the middle, by the way, is from a Chevron grease shoot from the early 90's.  It a roller bearing from a very large engine.

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