Wednesday, April 5, 2017

+ Three

Wow!  I just looked back into the past and saw I delivered this table three years almost to the day.
This link will take you to the beginning of the table build.
To bring you up to speed.  Built a sixteen foot picnic table out of dimensional reclaimed lumber for J Lohr's Paso Robles visitor center.  I thought I would construct it using just traditional joinery.

Paso Robles has some pretty harsh summers with temperature regularly going above 100 degrees.  After three years I came down for some maintenance on the table. 

I'm doing a walkaround seeing what's held up, what's failed.  A truck pulls into the parking lot and the man gets out and starts walking toward me.
"If I knew Kris Kristofferson was coming today......."
I threw my head back and laughed
"You must get that a lot."
So I told him how just last week at a show in SF and in between the opening group and the headliner, I was tapped on my shoulder and turned around to a guy holding out his phone to me and asking if I was the man on his was a picture of Kris Kristofferson.

Anyway the truck man is the landscaper for the grounds.  Dante, as his name turns out, is a talker so that's what we did.

The table held up sort of good.  All the wood facing up cupped up and turned really black.  The cupped wood pulled through the dovetail joints holding them down.  A lesson I wrote down in the notebook in my head.  Seeing the failure there of course would lead me to do differently if I could do it over.  All the joints and wood underneath held up perfectly.

Wirebrushed it a bit just to remove dirt but not the beautiful blackness, applied some more glue in the wedges and poured a bunch of new finish on it.

 How I found it yesterday.

The wood cups up.

The joint failures.

The joints under...tight.
And the wood still wet with the new finish.

Dante, the landscaper along with Cindy. He's coming back to talk me to about California Sage.
"Don't cook with this, it will destroy your chicken."

O  K    because it's close to being a full moon.

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