Thursday, November 2, 2017

The Unbroken String

This morning's last night
Tony came over last night for a couple hours of cocktails and talking.  Ice cold and warm and fuzzy at the same time.  Elation and tears of sorrow at the same time.  Past and the Present at the same time.

Everything before leads to everything now.

We started talking about a street in Berkeley that we both lived on, just houses apart but also a couple years apart.  It's a story we talk about quite a bit, how close we were in distance and time before knowing each other.

That led to me talking about a photo I took.  I did a two year photo project and the very last photo I took for the project was how I got to this photo.  Using things I collected on a beach one morning, I tied a string of people to it.
I assisted Alan Krosnick for five years, he often hired a prop stylist...Alyson.  When I struck out on my own I used Alyson almost exclusively as a producer.  She had a good friend, Barbara who was a designer and Barbara gave me a job one time shooting for winery.  That job brought Vicki, the director of marketing for the winery.  Vicki eventually asked me to spend a full year shooting their vineyards during the different seasons.  Vicki also hired Tony to design a label for her and that was when Tony saw my vineyard photography.  He told another wine client of his, Cynthia to hire me for vineyard photography and that is how I came to start a two year art project as Cynthia talked me into it.
Six people tied together with shells and seaweed and driftwood.

And then Tony started in on his story.  He said he wouldn't be sitting right here, right now if he hadn't had sex in Ireland close to 30 years ago.  But that's his story and he'll need to tell that one for you.


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